Dubberly Design Office
2501 Harrison Street, No. 7
San Francisco, CA 94110 -
415 648 9799 phone
415 648 9899 fax
Sep 4, 2014
Jul 10, 2014
VoteStream is an election results reporting system. The goal of VoteStream is to make election results for every contest in every jurisdiction in the country—down to the precinct level—publicly accessible to all citizens, anywhere, in near-real time.
Jul 9, 2014
Most states are adopting a new curriculum, also known as the Common Core State Standards. Pearson is developing teaching and learning materials to support this change across K-12.
The materials run on an iPad in core applications, including English Language Arts (ELA).
Jul 8, 2014
National Geographic is a well-loved and respected brand that is 125 years old. Like many media companies, the organization seeks continued relevance in a world in which print magazines are disappearing.
Jul 8, 2014
Fortune magazine believes Patagonia is “the coolest company on the planet.” Patagonia pioneered (and continues to lead) in how to be a responsible company. By encouraging people to buy less, and take better care of what they buy, Patagonia hopes to change behavior at the scale of its customers.
Oct 8, 2013
We use PIM (Personal Information Management) apps—including email, calendar, and contacts—to help us keep our lives in order.
Sep 26, 2013
Zite is a personalized news reader that delivers a person’s favorite magazines, newspapers, authors, blogs, and videos. Using deep personalization technology, Zite analyzes a user’s reading habits and picks the best articles across the Internet to meet his or her interests.
Sep 25, 2013
## How can a Diet Tracker be very, very simple?
Our client Alere makes smart, connected products designed to help people live longer and manage their health. The Diet Tracker is part of a larger service—MyAlere—designed to help people track key health dimensions including food intake, daily activity, blood glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol, INR, and weight.
Feb 6, 2012
Today’s e-books are electronic versions of their paper forebears. As reader software becomes more sophisticated and human readers and authors become more comfortable with e-book technology, e-books will become more interactive.
More…Jun 22, 2011
Dubberly Design Office analyzed typography on Kindle and suggested ways the experience of reading might be improved.